September 6, 2007

Google Reader

RSS readers are an incredibly useful tool. One great reader that I use is Google Reader. The first rule of RSS readers is that you can't subscribe to heavy news sites like Why? Because if you don't check your feeds consistenly, you'll have 200 news stories waiting, just from one site. And most of the stories are just noise. It's best to stick with feeds that deliver between 2-10 stories a day.

My current web browsing routine is skimming through my Google Reader feeds quickly by using the "n" key. If I'm at work, I merely read the headlines and add a star (the "s" key) to anything interesting for later reading.

If I'm at home, I open the interesting stories in another tab, but stay in the Reader window until I've gone through all the feeds. When I'm finished with that, I go tab to tab.

A couple suggested sites which feature great RSS feeds:

Official Google Reader Blog
Boing Boing
Ars Technica
Engadget (warning: this site is "noisy" sometimes. Lots of weird product announcements)
Daring Fireball

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